
The site is located immediately south of Dipford Road, adjacent to the existing settlement edge of Trull. It lies on the south western edge of the Taunton urban area with the town centre located approximately 3km to the north east.

The site is well integrated into land which is currently being built out as the Comeytrowe Urban Extension with the development area immediately adjoining the site’s eastern edge and further development parcels located to the north of Dipford Road. Comeytrowe will deliver around 2,000 new market and affordable dwellings, a mixed-use local centre, employment land, a primary school, green infrastructure including new recreational space and new habitats, a road link between the A38 and Honiton Road and walking and cycle routes.

The urban extension will be delivered in 3 broad phases of development with earlier phases of development currently under construction towards the north around the new roundabout junction with the A38. Construction of the new spine road, connecting the A38 and Honiton Road with a new roundabout junction, will follow along with phases 2 and 3 of development located to the south and adjoining Trull.

Delivery of the later phases of the Comeytrowe development will change the nature of Dipford Road as the new Comeytrowe roundabout on Honiton Road will connect Trull to the west and towards the A38. The site is strategically well placed at the southern edge of Comeytrowe to provide an opportunity to integrate into and enhance the strategic masterplanning and placemaking objectives of the wider area. The site benefits from being in a sustainable location providing access via sustainable modes of transport to services and facilities of both the future Comeytrowe local centre and those existing already within the village of Trull.

Site Context Plan

The site is identified by the red line only and all other shaded land is promoted by others as part of land allocated for the Comeytrowe Urban Extension.

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Our Proposal

The intention is for an outline planning application to be submitted at this stage with details of the vehicular access being provided in detail. This would concern only the principle of residential development in this location alongside details of the vehicular access onto Dipford Road and any highways improvements or mitigation deemed necessary by the Local Highways Authority. Outline planning would also secure any other planning obligations or contributions required, such as provision towards local education and community infrastructure or affordable housing.

The outline proposal could deliver up to around 130 new dwellings designed to sensitively respond to the local context and landscape. The development parcels are orientated to overlook the public open spaces, provide a positive frontage along Dipford Road and interface with neighbouring Trull Cricket Club.

There is potential for lower density and rural style of buildings to concentrated towards the west of the site, to reflect the transition into the countryside. These dwellings could be provided in a barn style and arranged in a courtyard formation. As the development moves towards existing built form and Comeytrowe the layout of development will be arranged to complement styles and densities present in these locations.

The proposal will bring with it substantial enhancement to biodiversity net gain and to the accessibility of public open space for future occupants of the site as well as those living within Trull. An orchard, drainage attenuation features and play space are proposed on the western edge of the proposal which will integrate into the historic landscape and character of the area as well as enhance how nearby heritage assets are experienced. Additional public open spaces are found alongside the existing hedgerows and trees. This will allow space for their retention and ecological enhancements

Our Concept Plan

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Site Opportunities and Constraints

The design process has aimed to identify opportunities within the physical and policy constraints of the Site.  These are shown on the Constraints and Opportunities Plan shown below.

There are some areas of Flood Zones 2 and 3 where Galmington Stream flows north to south along the western boundary.  Accordingly residential development will be located away from this area with public open space, walking routes and an orchard located here instead. There is also a Grade II listed building (White Lodge) located to the north of the Site and residential development has been kept detached and key views from the heritage asset would be maintained and enhanced across the reinstated orchard.

Additionally, ecological features, neighbourly amenity, topography, existing trees and their root protection zones as well as existing Public Rights of Way have all been taken into account in developing a design concept.

Opportunities and Constraints Plan

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Vehicular and Pedestrian Access

The outline planning application will apply for the detailed approval of access into the site. The main access will be provided along Dipford Road which will eventually be connected into the new Comeytrowe spine road. This will provide access for vehicles and a pedestrian link onto the existing footway which connects to the village centre. Additional pedestrian connections are also proposed to connect the proposal into the future Comeytrowe residential area to the north-east and onto the public rights of way to the west and south. The connections through the scheme will integrate the site into the existing wider footpath network and Comeytrowe urban extension.

Site Access Plan

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Natural Environment and Biodiversity

The proposal is landscape-led and responds to the landscape character of the site and its context, incorporating and enhancing existing landscape features into the development, maximising opportunities for biodiversity net gain and habitat creation alongside recreational spaces.

Established trees and hedgerows will be retained wherever possible and an extensive landscape strategy for new native species planting will complement existing green infrastructure, combining to harmonise the settlement’s built form with its surrounding landscape context.

Energy and Climate Sustainability

The development will incorporate a range of measures to reduce carbon emissions, mitigating the effects of climate change, and adaptation measures to ensure the long term resilience of the development. These may include:

  • Orientation and design of homes to allow the installation of Solar PV on homes;
  • The delivery of Net Zero Ready homes and allowing residents the ability to live Net Zero through the purchase of certified renewable energy;
  • Specification of water efficient fittings to reduce water consumption to 110 litres per person per day in line with the government’s higher water efficiency standard;
  • Development of new homes in Flood Zone 1 and provision of a surface water drainage system designed to mitigate a 1 in 100 storm event, including a 40% allowance for climate change; and,
  • Homes designed to take into account increasing annual temperatures set out in the UKCP18 climate projections to minimise the risk of overheating.

Planning Benefits

The proposal will bring about a number of wide-ranging planning benefits. These will be secured through both good placemaking and design, planning conditions and a planning obligation in the form of a Section 106 agreement.

A development of up to 130 homes is estimated by Home Builders Federation (HBF) to bring about the following benefits:

  • Support employment of 451 people
  • Provide 5 apprenticeships, graduates or trainees
  • Generate £5,850,000 towards new affordable housing
  • Increase open space, community sport, leisure spending by £117,000
  • Generate £812,500 towards infrastructure
  • Including £366,629.9 towards new and improved schools.

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Next Steps

We will carefully review the feedback received which will inform our next steps as we consider the next steps in the design and promotion of the proposal.

If you have any further queries regarding the proposals, please do not hesitate to contact us at